Join us in honoring the hotel, destination and CVB industry experts who helped make your meeting a successful and truly memorable event—share your gratitude and let them know how much you value their dedication.
We’re looking for truly exceptional individuals who are making a significant contribution to the industry, their brand and their meeting planner clients. These honorees should reflect strong leadership, enterprising work ethic, an indomitable spirit for innovation and success, and an overall exceptional performance and passion for their craft.
From ambitious up and comers to high level CEOs and directors, honor the colleagues who shine through their resolve, industrious and resourceful attitude, and their contagious zeal for the hotel industry,
Nominations are made by dedicated industry professionals and will receive a thoughtful review by the Smart Meetings Editorial team who selects the final honorees. Winners will be featured in the November issue of Smart Meetings’ print and digital magazines. Entry deadline is September 21—submit your nominations today!