Is your daily routine leaving you tired and burnt out? Do you find it hard to build up the energy to get even the smallest tasks done? Well, you’re not alone. The job of event professional is consistently rated one of the most stressful after emergency responder and surgeon—a condition that can lead to stagnation. But even the most junior meeting manager knows that nothing gets the blood flowing like crossing things off a checklist.
Here are 10 daily habits you can implement in your event planner life to help increase your productivity:
1. Get Enough Sleep and Don’t Snooze
On average, 40 percent of people in the United States get less sleep than recommended. Not only is this damaging to your health, but it also negatively impacts your productivity levels. Setting your alarm clock to triple or quadruple snooze confuses your body and disrupts your REM sleep, creating a draining habit. Understand that your body needs ample time to rest so you can give 150 percent at whatever you do.
2. Eat a Good Breakfast
Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day so don’t be part of the 31 million Americans who skip it. It will zap your productivity and take a toll on your health. Even on the road, be sure to break the overnight fast with something nutritious.
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3. Re-Energize by taking Breaks
Taking a break once an hour has been shown to re-energize and give a creative boost to those who find themselves on empty. At the end of the day, you may find you out-perform those who don’t take breaks. It’s backed by science. So, take a break, meditate and come back to your job with a sense of purpose.
4. Focus on Yourself
Don’t compare yourself to others. When employees compare notes or talk about their salaries, they become restless and frustrated in the workplace.
5. Celebrate Small Victories
No matter how small, celebrate your victories. Even if it’s just remembering to bring your reusable water bottle with you, celebrate it and reward yourself! By rewarding yourself, you’re reinforcing your habits.
6. Leave Work at Work
Don’t worry: it will all be there when you get back. Take the weekend to gain a fresh perspective and enjoy life.
7. Keep Your Eye on the Prize
Setting a large and exciting goal for yourself is great, but don’t let it get lost in all the clutter. Write it down somewhere where you will constantly see it. A sticky note on the bathroom mirror, on the refrigerator, wherever: it will give you the motivation to get on with your day and start achieving whatever it is you want to do.
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8. Plan Each Day the Night Before
It can take as little as 15 minutes and you can do it right before bed. Create a to-do list and prioritize what needs to get done first. It will give you a head start on your day and make it easier to remember everything you need to do.
9. Remember, it’s Alright to Say “No”
Saying no is hard. With new projects and opportunities popping up all the time, it’s easy to want to say yes to everything. But too many opportunities and commitments can be draining.
“We can be much more productive by focusing on doing the right things instead of focusing on doing more things,” said productivity expert Mark Shead. By having less to do, you can be more focused and spend your precious time on the important things.
10. Stay Positive
It’s harder than it sounds. Optimism is the key to being happy, productive and positive at work. So, just take a few minutes out of your day to think about the things you’re grateful for or shout affirmations in the mirror. It’s all up to you.