Cuba is about to become slightly more accessible for would-be tourists.
Bloomberg’s Katherina Chiglinsky reports that tour operator Cuba Travel Services will begin regularly scheduled direct service from New York to Havana with one flight a week.
New York has a large Cuban-American population and the agency is trying to reach that, especially since President Barack Obama recently ended a 50 year embargo on Cuba.
“There’s a lot more activity, or at least interest, to do business with Cuba,” says Peter Quinter, chairman of the customs and international trade law group at legal firm GrayRobinson in Miami.
In the past, most charter operators have centered on Florida with its huge Cuban population.
A diplomatic thaw, which eased restrictions on remittances, travel and banking, is giving new incentive for charters to try again, Robert Mann, head of aviation consultant R.W. Mann & Co. in Port Washington, New York, told Bloomberg news.