Neen James’ Luxury Mindsets Model

How do you define luxury? An uber-plush California King in your hotel room after a long travel day? A monthly massage? Lemonade by the swimming pool?

The point is, luxury comes in all shapes and forms. What is luxurious to one person may not be so to another. Enter Neen James, a leadership strategist, keynote speaker and the mind behind the Four Luxury Mindsets. Her team’s research has found that peoples’ definitions of luxury fit into four distinct archetypes. Once you learn how you interact with the idea of luxury—and how your clients, attendees and stakeholders do—you can transform experiences and events into the best and brightest.

Read More: The Changing Definition of Luxury

Reluctant and Removed

“Luxury is hard.”

woman biting lip nervously

Luxury is not a top priority for those who fall into this category. They often tend to be very busy, and even occasionally overwhelmed. While still making luxury purchases every so often, they may experience guilt for doing so. They tend to feel that the wider world’s offerings of luxury are lacking in their needs and desires.

Pro Prioritizers

“Luxury is power.”

business woman crossing arms

To this career-oriented archetype, luxury is synonymous with power. With access to luxury, they can bring their work to new heights. They tend to restrict their luxury purchases and priorities to brands they know to be reliable and socially and sustainably conscious.

Confident and Content

“I’ve got this.”

businessman cheering

Those who have a confident and content mindset when it comes to luxury find that, although they don’t see it as necessary, they find luxury deeply enjoyable. To them, it’s all about creating positive experiences and lasting memories.

Read More: Become Unstoppable in Your Work and Life

Luxury Lovers

“I’m worth it.”

businesswoman making heart shape with hands

To these luxury lovers, luxury should exist everywhere, every day. These people adore luxury, and are unafraid to let everyone know it. Luxury is not only a nice-to-have; it’s deserved, for them and others.

