Will Guidara, co-founder of legendary New York City restaurant Eleven Madison Park eulogized the power of personalizing service in his book “Unreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect.” He channeled the lightning he generated in the dining room into a philosophy that works in any setting. Similarly, the following industry experts distill their experience managing and hosting in hospitality settings into inspiration for going above and beyond.

Stephanie Jayko sitting down with arms crossedStephanie Jayko

Topics: International Business Etiquette, Global Attendee Engagement, Cultural Etiquette and Protocol, Diversity and Inclusion, Event Production, Management, Consulting, Leadership, Innovation in Events.

An accomplished speaker known for her expertise in international business etiquette, global attendee engagement, and cultural etiquette and protocol, as well as event production and management. With a decade-long career spanning corporate events, theater and consulting, Stephanie brings a wealth of experience to the stage, captivating audiences with her insights and practical advice.

Proudest Moment: Being named to prestigious industry lists such as Smart Meetings’ “Smart Women in Meetings: Industry Leaders” and BizBash’s “40 Under 40” has been a source of immense pride and validation for Stephanie’s dedication to her craft.

Take Aways: Stephanie aims for attendees to leave her sessions feeling empowered and equipped to navigate cultural hurdles with confidence. She emphasizes that etiquette is for everyone, transcending social classes, and underscores the importance of collaboration skills and open-mindedness in cultural engagement. Stephanie’s goal is to demystify cultural etiquette and protocol, making it accessible and manageable for all. She strives to empower attendees with actionable strategies and fresh perspectives they can apply to elevate their own events.

Need to Know: Meeting planners can expect professionalism, attention to detail, and a collaborative spirit when working with Stephanie. She is committed to customizing her presentations to meet the specific needs and goals of each event, ensuring a seamless and impactful experience for all involved.

Gary Hernbroth wearing blue suitGary Hernbroth

Topics: Sales, Leadership/Management, Personal Branding, Team Synergy, Customer Service, Alliance Partnerships, Time & Priority Management, Buyer-Seller Relations.

The founder of Training for Winners is a “strength and conditioning coach” who gets results and infuses a sense of fun and action along with motivational storytelling and real-world experiences. Hernbroth gives audiences straightforward, immediately useful ways to face their challenges. He helps them uncomplicate the complicated, setting them on the path to innovation and success. His debut book,Twist the Familiar,will be published by ALIVE Books in summer 2024.

Agency: espeakers.com

Proudest Moment: Accepting the responsibility and challenge of developing a learning experience/training workshop for the Virginia Opportunities for the Blind, a group of non-sighted and sight-impaired business owners, who wanted to hold their conference near the Fredericksburg, Virginia battlefield. I enthusiastically embraced this difficult assignment to develop a hands-on experiential program for the group, tying in the lessons of history to their business dilemmas of today. This included a walking tour of a battlefield that they could not see.

Thus, I brought the history to them so they could “feel” the conflict by obtaining battle pieces from the National Park Service, such as bullets, rifles, cannon balls and knapsacks. This enabled them to use their other senses to experience as much as possible when sight was not possible. We walked the grounds and they were able to feel the bullet holes in the side of a building and the stone wall that played a major role in the Civil War battle. They enthusiastically enjoyed the program and their meeting planner called it the best, most creative program they had ever had at their annual conference.

Take Aways: Audiences want their “WIIFM” – “What’s in it for me?” I see my role as customized, as each audience and message is different. Whether the group would like me to be light and breezy with my message, or more straightforward and direct on serious topics, or maybe a little of both with valuable take-aways delivered in an entertaining, sometimes humorous way, I try to light that inner spark in people. I want to uncomplicate the complicated and make things seem in reach—but do it in an honest way. Not everything is easy, and so I strive to give people tools that—if they choose to pick up the shovel and put it to use—will make them better or more successful in some way.

Need to Know: My #1 credo that I live by has helped me be successful since I started speaking in 1995—and that is that I strive to be easy to do business with. That’s top of the list for me. I want to be the last thing that event planners need to worry about in putting on their programs. We’ll have some advance conversations, I’ll ask some questions about goals, theme, etc., and I go to work customizing my part of the show. I don’t need to be hand-held. I’ve been at this game for a while, and though I would never claim to know it all, I want my clients to know that they have an experienced speaker-coach here, and that I will empty my tank giving them the best that I’ve got.

Devon M Pasha wearing white button up shirtDevon Montgomery Pasha CMP, CED

Topics: Embracing your Superpowers, Reframing Labels, Avoiding “Box Checking” Behavior, Event Design/Design Thinking. 

As a proud native of Philly, I’m affectionately known as “the lady in red,” a title that embodies both my powerful presence and warm speaking style. I bring warmth and sincerity to every stage I grace as a dedicated industry member and influential speaker. With a captivating blend of strength, humor, and elegance, I aim to leave a lasting impact on my audience, not just through my words, but through genuine connections and relatable insights. As a proud mom, I infuse my talks with depth and empathy, inspiring others with my unwavering commitment to excellence and empowerment.

Agencies: ESpeakers and Thinking Heads

Proudest Moment: Serving as the keynote speaker for “She Means Business” at IMEX Las Vegas in 2023. There was a lot to say about the timing or the size of the audience…but an attendee came to find me during the show and said out of the 10,000 people there, that my message had made the most impact. I’ll never forget that and it’s the reason I continue to speak. 

Take Aways: My ultimate aspiration every time I step onto a stage is to impart a positive impact on my audience. Each presentation I deliver is meticulously crafted with the intention of not just conveying a message, but instilling a series of small yet profound learnings that resonate with individuals in diverse ways. My earnest desire is that amidst the insights shared, even if just a single nugget of wisdom deeply resonates with someone and catalyzes a positive transformation in their life, then my mission is fulfilled beyond measure. For me, it’s not merely about delivering a speech; it’s about leaving a lasting imprint of inspiration, growth, and empowerment in the hearts and minds of those I have the privilege to address.

Need to Know: Planners collaborating with me should understand that my approach to speaking engagements is driven by a sincere commitment to leaving a meaningful impact on the audience. Here are some key points they should know:

  1. Purpose-Driven Content: My presentations are meticulously crafted with a clear purpose in mind—to inspire, educate, and empower. Planners can expect carefully curated content aimed at delivering valuable insights and fostering positive change.
  1. Multi-Faceted Messaging: I incorporate various methods of communication and learning styles into my talks to ensure that the message resonates with a diverse audience. Planners should anticipate a dynamic and engaging presentation that appeals to different preferences and perspectives. I do this by sharing anecdotes, humor, and my own personal magic.
  1. Audience-Centric Focus: Central to my approach is a deep concern for the audience’s experience. Planners can trust that I prioritize understanding the needs, interests, and demographics of the audience to tailor the content accordingly, ensuring maximum relevance and impact.
  1. Emphasis on Impact: More than just delivering information, my goal is to evoke genuine transformation in the audience. Planners should be aware that my measure of success extends beyond applause to the tangible and lasting effects my message has on individuals’ lives.
  1. Collaborative Partnership: I value collaboration with event planners to ensure that the logistical aspects of the presentation align seamlessly with the content and objectives. Planners can expect open communication, flexibility, and a shared commitment to delivering an exceptional experience for attendees.

By recognizing these aspects of my approach, planners can effectively partner with me to create memorable and impactful speaking engagements that resonate deeply with audiences.

Steve Steinhart wearing suitSteve Steinhart

Topics: For planners: Removing Time Robbers, Accelerating the Rapport Building Process, Understanding the New Generation Workplace. For Sellers: Identifying New Accounts, Making Effective Presentations, Understanding Third Parties, Negotiating, Effective Closing Techniques

As a coach and trainer, Steinhart brings multiyear experience in hospitality working with both planners and suppliers. He delivers working tools that accelerate productivity while being humorous. Customer-focus workshops help resolve current issues that both planners and sellers face. Topics are based on industry-specific-curriculum that can be custom-designed.

Proudest Moment: Receiving the 2022 Top 15 Hospitality Trainers Award from the International Hospitality Institute. Being asked by HSMAI to write the chapter on Group and Catering Sales for their 2024 Leadership Playbook.

Take Aways: We love the “ah-ha” moment when attendees clearly grasp how the techniques we cover can be incorporated into their daily routines. We are not really into theory but instead focus on real-life situations and offer several current techniques that can make each attendee more productive.

Need to Know: Every class or speaking engagement is custom-designed to ensure that attendees receive maximum impact for their time invested. Programs are industry-specific. We believe that humor plays a critical role in the learning curve. We do not use audio-visual aids.

Thomas Whelan wearing blue sport coat and white shirtThomas Whelan

Topics: Food and Beverage Trends and Operations, Working In a Union Environment, Leadership and Development of Teams, Successful Collaboration between Sales and Operations and Inclusive Eating at Events

If Thomas Whelan were a Real Housewife, his introduction would be, “Life’s a buffet, and I want seconds.” With over 20 years in the Food & Beverage industry, he hits the stage to remind everyone that food is fun, silly, and inclusive. As a speaker, his goal is to fill stomachs with laughter until he can fill them with food at a later event. Thomas brings a dynamic, boisterous personality to any room, leaving your attendees wanting seconds!

Proudest Moment: In 2022, while walking the floor at IMEX, a young woman approached me, sharing that she had been inspired by a virtual live stream of my presentation earlier that year. This encounter served as a powerful reminder that people are watching and listening, even when I can’t see them. It was a great moment, especially since I had been struggling with imposter syndrome just moments earlier. This experience became an invaluable life lesson in the impact I can have on others, inspiring me to keep speaking, because someone will be listening. Thank you—if you’re reading this!

Take Aways: Attendees should leave feeling inspired to curate experiences, recognizing that food is as integral and creative as your event’s design. The goal of all my sessions is to have you thinking of ways to inspire connections with your attendees through a well-curated menu. My hope is that you depart with new ideas, such as how to elevate a break into something special, using catering leftovers as a way to uplift the community, and introduce new flavors and items that spark conversations among attendees.

Need to Know: I am here to collaborate with all parties involved to curate a session or keynote that exceeds your needs. Together, we can balance my passion for events and food and beverage with your attendees’ wants and expectations. Recognizing that every attendee seeks something different from each session, we can create an experience that provides insights for both elevating at-home dinner parties and planning a dinner for 10,000. Let’s inspire people together!

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