Entrepreneur Amilya Antonetti links everyday joy to productivity and wellness

We all want to be happy, but after one conversation with Amilya Antonetti, the phenomenal woman who will be our keynote speaker at the upcoming Smart Woman Summit in Las Vegas in May, I knew finding joy in my work is a requirement rather than a luxury. I need to make sure happiness is one of the perks for my employees, as well.
“Happy people are more motivated,” she said—as much as 36 percent more motivated, six times more energized and twice as productive as their unhappy counterparts.
But what does it take to turn the frowns of the 87 percent of people who identify as unhappy at work upside down? We are not talking about fountains-of-Champagne-in-the-break-room happy. The secret to helping people feel fulfilled is understanding how each person is motivated, Antonetti said.
Think About It
This self-made businesswoman and conflict-resolution coach says that about half of our predisposition is based on genetics. The other half is in our control. She suggests taking control by intentionally setting aside time to think each day. As few as 15 minutes a day dedicated to journaling, meditation and reflection can shift your mood and behavior for the next 24 hours.
Antonetti explained that this dedicated thinking time allows you to access parts of your brain where so much information, both known and unknown, is stored. Creating this daily reflection time can help you to create direction and find clarity in making decisions. Jotting down a few thoughts after your meditation can also help to track your progress and realize the changes that are taking place in your happiness and other important things in life, including:
- Getting in touch with your inner feelings, thoughts and desires
- Feeling connected to yourself and your value
- Bringing you clarity
- Beginning to reprogram the importance of self-care
Ideally, you will begin to respond to situations, rather than react to them. You will empathize more with the people around you. You will become slowly more curious and open to other perspectives, and will develop more patience. This will cause your confidence to increase and make it easier to communicate with others.
Sounds good, right? That is pretty close to my definition of happiness. But she had more tips.
Force Your Happy Meter Higher
Studies show a direct link between facial expressions and emotional states. While the thought of just turning your frown into a smile seems too simple to be true, this is extraordinarily effective, over time, in retraining the mind toward well-being and choosing happiness. Antonetti attests that by putting a mirror next to your workstation or taking a glance as you bounce about your day, you can present a happier and more positive face to yourself and the world.
Another seemingly simple trick to finding your happy place is making sure you get enough rest. As Antonetti said, “It is very hard to be happy when you are exhausted.” Even turning off the television and putting down your devices 20 minutes earlier to give your batteries time to recharge can make a big difference in your outlook the next day.
This go-getter and mother sets an alarm for 20 minutes before her targeted bedtime to prepare—making lunches, prepping breakfast, setting out clothes…anything that will make the morning a little smoother. When she wakes up the next day, she finds that even a five-minute stretch can awake the mind and body, and set a healthy tone.
“Happy is a choice,” Antonetti stressed. Shift your mind-set to what is going right rather than what is going wrong to force your happy meter higher.