In This Issue

December 24, 2020
Corporate Social ResponsibilityChampions in the House: Hospitality Tackles Homelessness
While you and your event are not going to “solve” homelessness, you can do something to bring dignity and relief to the destinations where you hold your events. To create…

December 22, 2020
Industry NewsCitywide of the Future: Satellite Events
In the age of COVID, satellite events are the new citywides. Here is how and where to launch watch parties in multiple hubs with shared hybrid content.

December 15, 2020
TrendsPivotal 2020 Trends
Here are the top 25 pivotal trends we wrote about this year, and how you can learn from them to crush whatever comes next.

December 14, 2020
Hotels & Resorts2020 Platinum Choice Award Winners
Smart Meetings readers nominated the hotels, conference centers, CVBs and destination marketing organizations that consistently exceed expectations and help planners deliver on their goals. That list of go-to suppliers is…
In Every Issue

January 4, 2021
Strategy4 Tips for Better Internal Virtual Events
Client satisfaction starts from within. Brian Ludwig, senior vice president of sales for Cvent, shares his top tips for better internal virtual events.

December 31, 2020
Reports & SurveysDon’t Count Out Remote Work
The commute may be an endangered species, says Owl Labs. A survey found that almost 70 percent of full-time workers in the U.S. are working remotely—and want to keep it…

December 31, 2020
StrategyQ&A on Preparing for the Next Disruption
From making attendees feel comfortable returning to meetings to the future of hybrid and virtual partners, Bob Priest-Heck, CEO of Freeman, shares his thoughts on preparing for the next disruption.

December 28, 2020
Health and WellnessTips for Staying Positive with Dr. Roger McIntyre
Mental health professionals can be a little skeptical of self-help formulas. So, we asked one of the World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds, Dr. Roger McIntyre, for tips on staying positive.

December 16, 2020
Food and BeverageHoliday Cheer: Creative Cocktails
Was there ever a year when liquid cheer was more welcome? These hotel bar mixologists go above and beyond with creative and delicious cocktails.

December 14, 2020
StrategyHow Do You Know if You are Doing Virtual Right?
We asked Ben Chodor and Gabriella Cyranski, authors of Transitioning to Virtual and Hybrid Events: How to Create, Adapt, and Market an Engaging Online Experience, to share tips for analyzing…

December 16, 2020
StrategyBeyond Diversity: CVBs Take EDI Pledge
According to a pair of recent studies on diversity, many destinations have more work to do when it comes to inclusion. The good news? Minority markets could be the engine…

December 9, 2020
Smart StyleYour December 2020 Smart Style
From antibacterial scarves to wrist massagers, we've carefully vetted these products to keep you safe, healthy and ready for the holidays.
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