In This Issue

October 21, 2019
SourcingSports Venues Lure Groups
It’s hard not to be inspired in such a place. Meeting planners, in their search for inspirational settings, are finding this out. An increasing number of them are using these sports…

October 21, 2019
SourcingPurple Mountains Majesty
When the film City Slickers came out in 1991, it was an instant sensation; everyone wanted to be like Billy Crystal and drive cattle into Colorado. But even before Hollywood,…

January 11, 2018
Strategy2018 Event Professional Survival Guide
More and bigger. That is the forecast for meetings in 2018, according to a recent Smart Meetings survey of more than 2,000 event professionals. More than 80 percent of respondents…

January 22, 2018
TrendsLost Lessons of Margaritaville
You may think you know Jimmy Buffett and his “Margaritaville.” But we’re guessing that, unless you’ve been paying really close attention, you don’t. Think big…and then think even bigger. The…
In Every Issue

January 23, 2018
SourcingSite Inspection: Columbus, Ohio
A big data analysis this year by Yelp and anointed Columbus the nation’s hottest hipster market. J.D. Power declared it “highest in visitor satisfaction in the Midwest” in 2016.…

February 9, 2018
Brilliant ExperiencesCan a Meeting Make the World Sweeter?
The Cocoa Symposium pulled off a scientific meeting surrounding the benefits of chocolate in the midst of political, cultural, and international considerations — Jennifer Collins, president and CEO of JDC…

January 22, 2018
TechnologyAir and Water Can Fire Up Your Phone
While traditional charging stations remain relevant, emerging technologies offer alternate ways to juice up batteries—and some of them are so innovative that Apple’s forthcoming wireless charging mat, AirPower, may have…

January 31, 2018
How ToStorm-Proof Your Flight
Understanding how best to navigate the travel landscape when faced with extreme weather conditions can mean the difference between arriving in time to execute on your amazing meeting and being…

October 4, 2019
IncentivesIncentives Prove Immune to Disaster
Executives surveyed in the annual SITE Index 2018 forecast say that incentive travel is of increasing importance to driving sales and boosting profitability. “Basically, incentive travel works,” is how John…

January 18, 2018
SourcingSmart Dispatch: Una Experiencia Magnifica
Groups meeting in San Antonio have plenty of options for off-site activities, including strolling along the River Walk and enjoying its unique restaurants and shops, as well as visiting the…

January 18, 2018
Smart Style7 Self-Care Gifts Perfect for Any New Year’s Resolutions
Treat yourself with these self-care gifts that are sure to jump-start your resolutions as we go into 2018! These gifts range from luxurious to quirky, perfect for anyone looking to…

January 12, 2018
TrendsSecrets from a Hotel Designer: Q&A with Barbara Best-Santos
Caesars Entertainment is redesigning 10,000 guest rooms in Las Vegas and thousands more in Atlantic City and across the rest of the country. At The Flamingo Las Vegas alone, $90…

January 12, 2018
StrategyKeeping the Numbers in Perspective
Numbers, numbers and more numbers. They are critically important in analyzing the effectiveness of social media and other online communication, but are merely one tool among many, and often are…

January 12, 2018
Hotels & ResortsEmployees with Intellectual Disabilities Thrive in Hospitality Industry
Sin City is known for singers, dancers, magicians, card deal ers, celebrity chefs and Elvis impersonators, but the real stars of The Strip keep a lower profile. The next time…

October 21, 2019
StrategyThe Meeting Planners’ Guide to Entering New Territory
Meeting planners are master jugglers. Each event is a balancing act that requires exceptional amounts of research, organization and communication. This can be difficult in your own backyard, where it…

January 5, 2018
Health and WellnessTake the Healthy Meeting Pledge
It’s the start of a brand-new year, so what better time to take the Healthy Meeting Pledge? It’s a real pledge, created by National Alliance for Nutrition and Activity, and…

January 4, 2018
Food and Beverage4 Hotels with Rooms and a Brew
According to the Brewers Association, U.S. craft beer makers in 2016 topped 5,000 for the first time, at 5,234, and saw $23.5 billion slid across the bar. So, perhaps it…
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