In This Issue

February 5, 2019
TrendsWin the Local Game with an Action-Packed Backdrop
Taking your group to a sports venue no longer is merely a hot dog and plastic chairs experience. Today’s high-tech venues are often fueled with gourmet, healthy food options and…

January 24, 2019
SourcingMountain Resorts Shred New Heights for Meetings
Your next stay at a mountain resort may change your attitude about meeting at altitude, with chic, modern hotels and perks such as bike valets and digital assistants.

January 9, 2019
TrendsJourney to the Meeting of Tomorrow
When C2 Montreal attendees buckle up for a breakout session 30 feet in the air, it is not a stunt. It is based on experiments that show how changing physical…

January 4, 2019
TrendsMeetings.2029: Envisioning Gatherings of the Future… Today
Are the meetings you are planning today different from the agendas you printed out five or 10 years ago? How much different will they be in another 10 years? If…
In Every Issue

October 3, 2019
TrendsQ&A with CWT’s Beau Ballin on 2019 Predictions
We spoke to Senior Director of Business Development Beau Ballin from Carlson Wagonlit Travel Meetings and Events about his predictions going into 2019.

February 5, 2019
Smart StyleStart Off 2019 Right with Your January Smart Style
The holidays may be over, but that means a new year begins! Check out these gift ideas for attendees, birthdays, or get a head start on Mother's Day!

October 4, 2019
AssociationsThe Right Way to Plan a Legislative Day
Many associations work all year planning massive legislative days that bring members together to advocate for their issues. Roger Rickard, founder of Voices in Advocacy consulting, says far too many…

January 25, 2019
TrendsPlanners Urged to Step Up Disaster Preparedness
Planners can face the ever-increasing number of disaster-related liability issues by staying close with venue partners, local officials and attendees.

October 21, 2019
TrendsTurn the Page: Books Industry Professionals Love Most
Reading offers more than conversation topics for the next cocktail party. From improved cognition to greater emotional intelligence and—according to a Yale study—even living longer, books are the key to…

January 25, 2019
Career5 Ways to Find Freedom in Freelancing
This month, we launch a monthly career column to offer insight into trends and tips meeting professionals can apply to their careers. First up, freelancing.

January 24, 2019
SourcingWhat Experts Look for When They Walk in a Hotel Room
We all want clean bathrooms and comfortable beds, but attendee expectations are ratcheting up and beyond. So, we asked the professionals.

January 22, 2019
StrategyLand a Second ‘Date’ During One-on-Ones
Not every speed-dating scenario is about finding a true-love connection. The same concept works for forging business relationships.

January 21, 2019
TrendsHarness the Kardashian Effect to Market Your Event
Wanna harness some celebrity juice for your event? The key, according to experts, is to focus on micro-influencers to reach the right audience.

January 16, 2019
Brilliant ExperiencesCase Study: Mitigating Risky Business for the BPAMA Expo
All planners take the job of protecting attendees seriously. However, some industries put more emphasis on risk management than others. Smart Meetings interrogated Joanne Orlando, account manager at Total Event…

January 15, 2019
TrendsPlanners Urged to Step Up Disaster Preparedness
Meeting planners face an ever-increasing number of liability issues due to disasters, such as fires, floods, hurricanes and even acts of terrorism, and need to effectively manage them by establishing…

January 11, 2019
Industry NewsJanuary Power Player: Karen Kotowski, CEO of Events Industry Council
After 10 years of service to the meetings industry, Karen Kotowski resigned on Friday. Smart Meetings talked to her about her time with EIC.

January 10, 2019
Food and BeverageFake Chews: Meatless Burgers On the Menu
California companies Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat have changed the burger game. And both faux-meats are appearing on hotel menus globally.

January 15, 2019
TechnologyTravel Improves for Those with Disabilities Through Technology
Whether you’re planning an event in which guests have disabilities or fall into this category yourself, it’s important to select accommodating facilities.

January 4, 2019
Health and WellnessThis January, Resolve to Boost Your EQ
As we begin the new year with resolutions for self-improvement, why not put boosting your EQ on the list? MPI Academy offers courses that help planners...
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