In This Issue

June 16, 2021
Industry NewsCertified Solutions for Ballroom Re-entry
Returning groups are looking to conference and convention centers to help them craft events. In a survey of meeting professionals, many said they are planning to turn to local CVBs…

June 1, 2021
TrendsFuture Forecast: 25 Hospitality Trends
Sometimes looking back is the straightest path to the future. So, we examined the last six months and pulled out the top 25 hospitality trends that could require innovative thinking…
In Every Issue

June 30, 2021
Industry NewsNip and Tuck: Stays to Soak in Sunshine and Soda Pop
Four new and renewed properties that are perfect for summer in Mexico, Florida, Arizona and Indiana.

June 30, 2021
Bling Your MeetingsView from the Meeting Room: Groups Return!
With help from hotel and destination partners, meeting professionals and their groups are getting back into ballrooms. We asked the Smart Meetings community to share what they are seeing.

June 29, 2021
StrategyMeetings MBA: Help Needed for Hospitality Worker Shortage
Returning groups are finding some convention hotels brimming with leisure travelers may be stretched thin on staff. Help is needed, and creative solutions are emerging to solve the hospitality worker…

June 28, 2021
StrategyThe Difficulty With (Hybrid) Definitions
Most of the time when hybrid events fail, it’s because all they’ve done is stick a camera in the back of the room, put the sessions online, and called it…

June 14, 2021
TrendsSmart Chat with James Bermingham, CEO of Virgin Hotels
We interviewed Virgin Hotels CEO James Bermingham to ask how the rollout is going and his vision for a post-Covid meetings future.

June 10, 2021
StrategyWork Smart: Easy Inclusion
Workplace inclusion is not just a moral obligation; it is a business imperative. Leadership expert Melissa Majors, author of The 7 Simple Habits of Inclusive Leaders, shares the importance of…

June 9, 2021
Food and BeverageViva Las Veggie!
Where are the best places to enjoy your veggies? These four celebrity-chef led restaurants on the Las Vegas Strip are a great place to start.

June 7, 2021
CareerReinventing Joy: DJ, Master of Many New Skills
DJ Amani Roberts, president elect of MPI Southern California Chapter, shares how he experimented with platforms and possibilities to learn new skills during the pandemic.

June 3, 2021
Health and WellnessHealthy You: STOP Dieting!
A PSA to anyone trying to shed the Covid pounds: stop fad dieting! Have you ever considered there might be another way? From intuitive eating to the 80% rule, we've…

June 3, 2021
Smart StyleYour June 2021 Smart Style
From eco-friendly masks to TSA- and planner-approved water bottles, blankets and neck pillows, these summer essentials will help bring back meetings. Up for grabs in your June Smart Style!
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