In This Issue

November 3, 2020
Smart StyleGifting in the Age of Virtual Events
Do virtual events signal the end of swag bags? Not quite. Keep attendees excited and connected with gifting during the virtual era. We asked the experts for tips.

November 3, 2020
Smart StyleSmart Style: Your 2020 Holiday Gift Guide
This special holiday gift guide covers everything you need to treat your attendees, partners—and yourself. From travel and office cheer to technology and health boosts, it’s all in the (swag)…

November 13, 2020
StrategyBeyond the 800-pound Zoom
Zoom boxes may be ubiquitous, but they are not the only choice. You can mix and match your virtual platform provider to meet specific event goals. Here's how.

November 2, 2020
StrategyVirtually Engaged: Ban Boring Events from Your Agenda
Are your attendees virtually engaged? Hear from Robin Farmanfarmanian, author of Facilitating Virtual Events: Driving Participant Engagement & Interaction.
In Every Issue

December 1, 2020
Food and BeverageViva Vegan Vegas
Las Vegas boasts some dozen vegan restaurants in town, with enticing, celebrity-chef-led meatless, dairyless choices.

November 30, 2020
CareerQ&A: Strategic Event Science of the Future
Heather Mason, founder and CEO of Caspian Agency, teaches planners strategic event science to get more power, more money and more respect,

November 24, 2020
StrategySmart Buzz: Pandemic Resources Edition
Meeting professionals need all the help they can get right now. Industry groups have stepped up to give you the information you need to be effective. Following are pandemic resources…

November 17, 2020
Bling Your MeetingsCase Study: A Virtual VIP Club
Sometimes a run-of-the-mill virtual award show is not going to cut it. Veritas Technologies created an interactive, opulent virtual VIP environment to deliver a star-studded awards experience.

November 9, 2020
SustainabilityBetter Than Sustainable: Regenerative Travel
Regenerative travel allows planners, meeting attendees and tourism operators to leave a healthier place behind. Join in on the fun.
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