In This Issue

October 24, 2018
TrendsSecret Life of Your Attendee’s Brain
Here is what science says is actually happening in that ballroom—and how you can make sure all the right synapses are firing.

October 18, 2018
Hotels & ResortsRunway Dreams: Airport Hotels You May Never Want to Check Out of
Ugh. Stuck at the airport. Maybe there’s a hotel—but it’ll be drab. It’ll scream with jet engines in the middle of the night. Not at these airport hotels.

November 7, 2018
TrendsYour Ultimate CVB and DMO Matching Tool
Match your group’s needs with the vibe and resources that fit your checklist. You don’t need an app. Just keep this reference tool handy for inspiration.

October 10, 2018
TrendsWhat Would You Do? Ethical and Moral Quandaries in the Meetings Industry
“What would you do?” It’s a question we ponder every time we encounter a situation where the questionable behavior of others beckons us to make a choice: get involved and…

October 8, 2019
IncentivesThe Science of Motivation: Why Cash Isn’t Always King
Charlotte Blank can predict how you would react if someone offered you $500. Better than you can, in fact. That’s because Maritz’s chief behavioral officer understands your emotional triggers. This…
In Every Issue

November 28, 2018
Brilliant ExperiencesCelebration of Living: 50th Anniversary Event Shines Even After First Responders Arrive
For insights into how to honor a special life, Smart Meetings talked to Kevin Cohee, CEO of Sacramento-based Do an Event agency.

November 2, 2018
SustainabilityHealthy World: Vertical Forests
A recent trend in green architecture—forest buildings, also known as vertical forests—cover buildings in living, breathing green.

November 2, 2018
TechnologyTech Essentials for Planners
The team at Aventri knows planners are forever on the go. To help you maintain your sanity, they've created this curated list of tech essentials.

November 6, 2018
TrendsQ&A with Nick Borelli on Social and Live Event Strategies
Nick Borelli, president of Borelli Strategies in Cleveland, shares his best practices for social media and spicing up live events.

September 8, 2023
StrategyTips to Keep Women Secure on the Road
Generally, women feel more vulnerable than men while traveling solo and are wary of certain destinations, according to a study by GBTA and WWStay.

October 30, 2018
Hotels & ResortsNip & Tuck: Elegance Reborn
From historic bones, new luxury is cast, with four stunningly elegant—and recently renovated—in New Orleans, Chicago, Portland, Oregon and Massachusetts.

October 26, 2018
Food and BeverageWith Love, Macaroni ‘N’ Cheese
Here are a few mouthwatering examples of America’s favorite comfort food—baked macaroni slathered in melty cheese and a creamy sauce.

October 4, 2019
IncentivesLessons from the Biggest Incentive Travel Survey Ever
Results from the industry’s first joint study of the incentive travel industry found that budgets are increasing, but cost-management is a priority.

October 1, 2018
Smart StyleHow to Add WeHo Glam to Any Corporate Event
Even the most serious business meeting can be improved with a touch of West Hollywood (WeHo) style. Smart Meetings visited the capital of Anything Goes.
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