In This Issue

July 7, 2023
TrendsConvention Center: Bigger, Better, symBiotic
Smart Meetings rounded up news about convention centers being re-envisioned coast-to-coast and found that in addition to increasing in size and technology amenities, many of these meeting hubs are adding…

June 5, 2023
TrendsInclusion Experiences
The three-day Google Experience Institute (Xi) Days decided it was time to show what is possible by demonstrating the strategies to appeal to all types of attendees, including the half…

June 1, 2023
SustainabilityDitching the Dump
It's no secret that large-scale events can be wasteful of food. Hotel operations around the U.S. are making efforts to make the culinary arts more sustainable.

May 17, 2023
Food and BeverageCannabis Tourism: Now Mainstream for Meetings
Cannabis tourism among corporate groups may be on the rise, but it isn't without its problems. Smart Meetings found out how the industry is responding.

May 16, 2023
Bling Your MeetingsMaking It Count
Tribal gambling has come a long way since Florida’s Seminole Tribe opened a no-frills bingo hall in the early 1980s to help compensate for painful Reagan-era federal budget cuts to…

May 1, 2023
CareerLessons from Leaders
In the wake of devastation to the meetings and hospitality industry wreaked by the pandemic, leadership insights are relevant and needed. In that spirit, we asked five leaders—each with his…
In Every Issue

June 23, 2023
CareerSmart Chat: Kelly Gleeson Smith On Changing the Future
Smart Meetings sat down with 2023 Smart Women in Meetings Industry Leader Award winner Kelly Gleeson Smith, who was promoted to the role of vice president of sales at Caesars…

June 13, 2023
Food and BeverageRavish: Veganlicious
Veganism is a practice as old as time. Today, veganism has many positive associations, which could be why vegan options have had such a rapid increase in recent years.

June 9, 2023
Smart StyleAn Alarm For Your Hotel Doors: Smart Style
This May issue Smart Style includes products that ensure safety and style, including a door handle alarm, mini drone and a leather smartphone carrier.

June 16, 2023
StrategyHow to Pay Close Attention
We are multitasking more yet achieving less. We are busy, but not productive. We still feel like we can’t get it all done. Don’t you feel that? And it’s stressful,…

May 30, 2023
CareerWork Smart: The Art of Communication
Communication can be terrific when solid effort is put forth. That’s why we have to keep working at it. After all, it’s a two-way street with you and your supplier-partners,…

May 22, 2023
StrategyChatGPT Does It All
If you travel for business, ChatGPT can be incredibly helpful. Smart Meetings has listed the top reasons why the chatbot is every professional traveler’s best friend.

May 8, 2023
Contracts & NegotiationsMeetings MBA: Budgets, Models and Forecasts
Budgets are tight. We’ve all read the headlines or felt the squeeze at our own events. Yet, events at scale are still happening. Taylor Swift’s 3-hour concerts anyone? Those tickets…

May 1, 2023
Health and WellnessFuture Health
Futurist Jane McGonigal spends her days devising antidotes to personal, professional and existential angst. She pioneers scientifically sound ways to feel what she calls “urgent optimism” about our future—and, by…
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