Blend wellness with corporate events

For many groups and attendees wellness is a priority.

Smart Meetings looked at several locations whose primary objective is creating a comfortable environment that supports wellness, self-care and restoration. We asked venues several questions about the importance of wellness and what guests could expect from their respective establishments.

Calabash Cove Resort and Spa, Gros Islet, St. Lucia

Smart Meetings What can guests expect to get out of your wellness events?

Konrad Wagner, Managing Director Due to the nature of our boutique resort it is a completely relaxing, in no way pretentious, experience. It is not unusual to make real spa fans out of some of these guests that previously maybe never thought about it. Even if our focus is not alone on wellness but an overall relaxing vacation experience with the spa complimenting the resort overall.

SM How can meeting planners blend wellness and meetings together, so attendees are able to experience the best of both worlds?

KW With the right budget we find they make the difference between just a meeting and a real experience. It is a good idea to plan it from the start of the program to avoid it becoming an afterthought that then falls by the wayside.

SM  Why is it important to offer guests the ability to stay active, even when they are on vacation?

KW In my view it is important to have the option, without being mandated to participate. Some activities are also part of people’s regular routine at home. Some are reluctant to give up their fitness or activities routine. The key is to have it available without mandating it (in groups).

SM  What can guests get out of the wellness offerings at Calabash Cove Resort and Spa?

KW As a boutique resort, we believe in uncoached engineered relaxation. No predetermined activities or wellness schedules. The ability to let go, and yes, even skip an appointment if one does not at that moment feel like it. After all, not having a schedule or even being bored can also be a luxury.

Read More: The Convergence of the Events and Wellness Industries

Las Catalinas, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

SM For meeting planners, why is it important to host their event at a location that fosters wellness? How does this impact the overall experience?

Gabriela Esquivel, Developer of Well-Living at Las Catalinas Here are some reasons why it is crucial for companies to host events at wellness locations:

  • Venues that promote wellness often provide healthier food options, opportunities for physical activity, and spaces for relaxation and mindfulness. These elements help attendees feel better physically and mentally, which can enhance their overall experience.
  • When attendees are well-rested, well-nourished and comfortable, they are more likely to engage actively in sessions and networking opportunities. Wellness-focused environments can reduce stress and fatigue, leading to higher productivity and better focus.
  • Choosing a wellness-focused venue demonstrates a commitment to the health and well-being of attendees. This can enhance the organization’s reputation and attractiveness to attendees who value wellness and sustainability. This will most likely attract more participants.
  • Wellness environments often foster a more relaxed and positive atmosphere, which can facilitate better networking and relationship-building among attendees. Comfortable and healthy settings encourage open communication and collaboration.
  • Such venues often include innovative and inspiring spaces that can stimulate creativity and collaboration, leading to more meaningful interactions and networking.
  • Environments that support wellness can improve cognitive function, memory, and learning, reducing stress and cognitive overload. These type of locations allow attendees to absorb and retain more information from the event.
  • Providing a wellness-oriented experience can build long-term loyalty among attendees, as they associate the event with positive feelings and well-being.

SM How can planners best utilize the wellness offerings of Las Catalinas?

GE Las Catalinas is renowned for its unique convenience. The accessibility to various experiences, services and amenities makes it an excellent destination to incorporate wellness into corporate events. A good approach is to include morning activities that require a moderate level of physical activity. This will help participants start the day with a clearer mind and a boost of energy. Activities could include hikes on our close to 40 kilometers (24.8 miles) of natural trails, SUP (stand-up paddleboarding) or kayaking, mountain biking, yoga or fitness classes. Additionally, incorporating ice baths can enhance alertness and mental clarity.

Followed by a nourishing breakfast that supports concentration levels throughout the day, including good sources of protein, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. Scheduling time to unwind between meetings can also support satisfactory performance in the second half of the day. Group meditations, sound healings or breathwork sessions are options that may alleviate the strain often caused by long meeting hours.

Furthermore, taking a quick dip in the ocean can provide a refreshing break, as the town’s proximity to the beach allows for a brief swim and return to your schedule within no more than 10-15 minutes. Participants will have the freedom to choose when it’s best for them to change the scenery for a while and get back into their rhythm without needing to spend long hours on these experiences, it’s up to them and their needs!

Read More: Five Cost-Effective Ideas to Elevate Wellness in Your Meetings

Ananda in the Himalayas, Narendranagar, India

SM Based on your website, Ananda in the Himalayas feels like a great location to create a team-building experience around wellness. Do you offer experiences for groups? What would an average day as a guest look like at Ananda in Himalayas?

Mahesh Natarajan, Chief Operating Offer, Ananda in the Himalayas The philosophy of Ananda in the Himalayas focuses on Ayurveda and holistic wellness, yoga and meditation, emotional healing, spiritual awareness, and healthy cuisine.

Daily group activities at Ananda range from powerful discourses in Vedanta, yoga and meditation sessions lead by senior yoga therapists, guided treks up the scenic mountains, white water rafting and safaris to the national park, all of which contribute to an experience in well-being that is not only holistic but equally spiritual.

Spiritual growth and awakening are pivotal to Ananda’s wellness philosophy. Ananda offers several paths to look within and discover the route to our higher self. These are done through ancient philosophies of Vedanta, yoga, meditation and mantras.

Vedanta, with its roots in ancient Indian philosophy, is a system of knowledge that answers the fundamental questions of life. Ananda is globally recognized as the only retreat in the world to offer its guests daily interactive sessions conducted by senior disciples of Swami Parthasarathy, an internationally acclaimed exponent of Vedanta.

Yoga and meditation at Ananda is a classical approach impacting physical, mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual aspects of life. Through guidelines of Hatha Yoga (postures, breath work, cleansing and energy flow) and Raja Yoga (meditative practices), the objective is to balance and harmonize the body, mind and emotions, finally culminating in a state of higher consciousness.

There is no purer way to start your day than mantra chanting. Mantras are said to be a form of scalar energy with a unique combination of sound vibrations, breath and rhythm. Guests at Ananda come together every morning for a session in mantra chanting, allowing their combined energies to reverberate and collectively take them to a state of higher consciousness. Regular chanting of these mantras show tremendous effect at a physical, psychological, intellectual and spiritual level.

A typical day at Ananda begins with a serene morning yoga session overlooking the pristine Himalayan foothills, followed by a nourishing Ayurvedic breakfast. The day unfolds with a blend of personalized treatments, such as Abhyanga massages or Shirodhara, interspersed with mindfulness and meditation sessions. Guests engage in various wellness activities, including guided nature walks, hydrotherapy and specialized fitness routines. Meals are tailored to individual dietary needs, focusing on balancing the doshas. Evenings often feature calming practices like sound healing or Vedanta talks, culminating in a peaceful night’s rest.

SM What do you hope for guests to get out of their experience?

MN In ancient India, holistic living was a way of life. People inherently understood the balance of nature, the ways of the universe and how the elements affected not just their physical health, but their mental well-being. It was understood that if they achieved harmony within, they would be at peace with their surroundings. Ananda has recreated the synergy of mind, body and intellect not just through the natural Himalayan locales and the proximity to the mountains and the river, but through the rejuvenating and ancient processes and philosophies of Ayurveda, yoga and Vedanta combined with contemporary international therapies which enhance and augment the original. Ananda believes that everyone is unique\ and so are the programs, experiences and integrated approach that they offer.

Well-being retreats in India, such as Ananda in the Himalayas, play a vital role in fostering holistic health and wellness in today’s fast-paced world. These sanctuaries provide a haven for individuals seeking respite from the stresses and demands of modern life, offering an environment conducive to rejuvenation and self-discovery. By integrating traditional Indian wellness practices like Ayurveda, yoga, and meditation with modern therapies, these retreats promote physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. They attract people who are looking to detoxify, de-stress and reconnect with themselves, often driven by a desire to achieve a more balanced and healthier lifestyle. Additionally, the serene and natural settings of these retreats offer a perfect backdrop for introspection and healing, making them a preferred choice for those seeking personal growth and transformation.

SM What would you recommend to first timers?

MN Beginners to wellness perceive it as something challenging that might deny them pleasure, joy or fun. An effective way to break this perception is Ananda’s Foundation programs, a gentle beginning to wellness that can lead to intensive work.

These Foundation programs provide an introduction to understanding your body and mind from a holistic perspective. Customized wellness therapies help start your wellness journey. This includes a wellness consultation prior to arrival and during the stay at Ananda. Guests on the Foundation program are also encouraged to attend daily scheduled group wellness sessions including yoga, meditation and Vedanta classes to enhance their wellness experience further. The Foundation wellness program includes one hour of wellness sessions daily.

Read More: 7 Ways to Embed Wellness in Your Meetings

Hotel Belmar, Monteverde, Costa Rica

SM For meeting planners, why is it important to host their event at a location that fosters wellness? How does this impact the overall experience?

Pedro Belmar, Managing Director, Hotel Belmar Hosting an event at a location that fosters wellness, like Hotel Belmar in Costa Rica’s cloud forest, significantly enhances the overall experience for attendees. Wellness-focused locations provide a serene and rejuvenating environment that can reduce stress and improve focus. This positively impacts productivity, creativity, and engagement during meetings and activities. The natural beauty and tranquillity of the cloud forest promote relaxation and mental clarity, allowing attendees to recharge and be more present and effective in their roles. Additionally, as a wellness-oriented venue, we offer healthier food options, outdoor activities and curated programs that contribute to the attendees’ overall well-being, leading to a more satisfying and memorable event.

SM What can guests expect to get out of your wellness events?

PB Guests attending wellness events at Hotel Belmar can expect a comprehensive experience that nurtures body and mind. They can include immersive experiences like guided meditation, yoga classes, thematic nature hikes, and engaging with a fully operational, carbon neutral farm. These activities are designed to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and enhance mental clarity and purpose. Guests will leave feeling rejuvenated, with a greater sense of well-being and connection to the land. Our farm-to-table dining options also ensure that attendees are nourished with healthy, delicious meals made from locally sourced ingredients, further supporting their wellness journey.

SM How can meeting planners blend wellness and meetings together, so attendees are able to experience the best of both worlds?

PB Meeting planners can seamlessly blend wellness and meetings by incorporating wellness activities into the event schedule. At Hotel Belmar, we offer a range of wellness options that can be easily integrated into meeting agendas. Planners can schedule morning yoga or meditation sessions to start the day, followed by meetings in our serene spaces. Breaks can include nature walks or guided breathing sessions. Healthy meals and snacks can be provided to keep energy levels high and minds sharp. By creating a balanced agenda that includes both productive work sessions and rejuvenating wellness activities, planners ensure attendees experience the best of both worlds.

SM What kind of wellness experience can groups get out of a stay at Hotel Belmar?

PB Groups staying at Hotel Belmar can enjoy a holistic wellness experience tailored to their needs. Our bespoke offerings include yoga and meditation sessions, guided nature hikes through the lush cloud forest, bird watching tours and thematic forest immersion experiences that blend scientific discovery, sensory-specific dynamics and forest canopy exploration through zip-lines, viewing platforms, hanging bridges, canopy-level hammocks and rappel lines. Guests can also participate in farm-to-table culinary experiences, where they learn about sustainable farming practices and enjoy meals made from fresh, organic ingredients. The serene natural surroundings create an atmosphere of peaceful regeneration, making it an ideal setting for relaxation, creativity and team-building activities.
