CVBs pump up local economies with panache

While there are many niches in the meetings and events industry, there are even more cities with personality traits that are perfect matches for associations, professional organizations and special interest groups. A destination’s personality, in fact, is often a driving force when planners make their final selections on where to book executive board meetings, conventions and incentive trips.

Smart Meetings reached out to more than 100 convention and visitors bureaus for our annual report, asking CEOs and executives to send us colorful selfies and narratives about their destinations’ personalities in order to help meeting planners gain valuable insights for future events.

We are proud to say that our second annual CVB Selfie Contest features submissions from six continents. Congratulations to our Top 10 CVB Selfie winners, especially our 2015 champion, Tracy Kimberlin, president of Springfield, Missouri, Convention & Visitors Bureau.

top-10-selfies best-selfies-of-the-south
best-of-the-west-selfies best-of-midwest-selfies
best-of-northeast-selfies best-from-around-the-globe