With recent news of Custom and Border Protection’s (CBP) Global Entry program being ‘vulnerable to exploitation,’ we have zoomed in on the issue and explored the use of the Global Entry program for meeting professionals and attendees. Global Entry is a United States CBP program that allows expedited clearance for pre-approved, low-risk travelers upon arrival in the United States and other countries. We reached out to Global DMC Partners President Catherine Chaulet to talk about Global Entry for international travelers.
Chaulet says that global meetings are a must for companies with global footprints and international travel is a great way to incentivize employees (especially millennials). With the point of international travel being to explore and experience a new destination and culture, people want to spend as little time as possible in the process of getting there. This is where Global Entry comes in: Think of how many croissants you can eat with an extra hour or two in Paris because you skipped the customs line!
More: Top 10 International Cities: Finding the Right Recipe
While not all clients are yet a part of the Global Entry program, Chaulet states that some are and, “the more international the footprint, the more we see corporations promoting [Global Entry] internally.” The significance of skipping customs lines through Global Entry programs extends not only to saving time and arriving at destinations more quickly, but also to lowering stress and simplifying the overall travel experience.
More: Stuck at Customs? No Problem
The current significance of Global Entry in the news involves a report made by the Inspector General in June, stating that the “Global Entry Program [does] not always prevent ineligible and potentially high-risk Global Entry members from obtaining expedited entry into the United States.” This report was acknowledged and responded to by U.S. CBP, who are working with U.S. Homeland Security to ensure the program remains secure and efficient. While this audit should not affect so-called low-risk travelers, it speaks to the integrity of the program and reminds us of the usefulness of Global Entry for planners and attendees who wish to spend more time at meetings or exploring new cities and less time in a customs queue.