Rule No. 1 of business travel: expect the unexpected. Nothing’s worse than being ill-prepared for a business trip and then stressing for the next three hours, or even worse, missing your flight or meeting altogether. Here are six business travel hacks to keep you cool, calm and collected on the road.

Create a boarding routine Boarding preparation includes setting aside the items you know you’ll want, like your phone, book, headphones and water bottle. It can be frustrating (for you and your seat mates) when you’ve already stowed your luggage in the overhead bin, only to block the aisle again, take it back down again, rummage through it again, and take your seat again. By adding this easy step to your packing routine, you’ll save yourself time, hassle and ruffled feathers.

Maybe take a pass on those jaeger bombs and instead opt for a lighter, less intense cocktail.

Eat and sleep Eating and sleeping patterns play a vital role in our levels of productivity and stress. Avoid heavier foods that tend to drain us and instead reach for lighter fare and healthy snacks to keep you energized. Try to stay away from alcohol, or at least keep it responsible. Maybe take a pass on those jaeger bombs and instead opt for a lighter, less intense cocktail. Between long meetings, after-parties, networking events and travel time, getting your beauty sleep can be a challenge. But really try to get those eight hours of shut-eye each night—your to-do list and co-workers will thank you.

Keep the air fresh Here’s a great idea from – Anyone who’s been stuck on a packed flight for hours will tell you, the air can get a little stale. Suggestions for keeping things fresh while on business travel include adding a dryer sheet inside your pillow case or adding a few drops of a pleasant or neutralizing essential oil to a tissue and keeping it nearby. Just be sure not to overwhelm your seat mates. We get it, you enjoy a nice scent but must you marinate in it? For a deeper read, click here

Arrive early One of the most still-talked-about movie scenes from my time, is the McCallister family booking it through the airport in Home Alone. Poor travel preparation (and a falty alarm clock) had the Home Alone crew showing us that knees-to-chest hustle just barely making their flight. Don’t be like the McCallisters. Set an extra alarm, factor in traffic and consider tolls. All these little things added up can literally save you hours of time and stress.

But there are ways to avoid these mini Armageddon moments.

Charge everything before you arrive We’ve all been there: your phone is at 1% and you’re still desperately vying for vital information from the person on the other line. And then, your battery dies. Disaster. But there are ways to avoid these mini Armageddon moments. Start by charging all of your devices the night before (and then don’t waste juice on the way to the airport). This includes your phone, ipad, lap top and any other devices you might need.

Stash an energy bar If you’re a frequent traveler, you’ll no doubt experience long layovers and unexpected delays throughout your business excursions. You could miss a flight and need to wait, experience bad weather or even be stuck on the tarmac for hours. Be sure to pack your favorite energy bar to ward off those hunger pangs with a healthy, yummy, convenient on-the-go snack.

For more business travel tips, check out Business Insider and Fast Company

Molly Morris

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