Benoit Sauvage has lived and worked across three continents over the course of his nearly three-decade career, slowly but surely becoming increasingly involved in the events industry. He is now the founder and CEO of Connect DMC, a leading destination management company for the Dominican Republic and Mexico.

Born and raised in Paris, Sauvage says, “From a very young age, I was inspired by the idea that when you die, a little movie of your life plays before your eyes. I decided then that I would build my life around creating a film I would be proud to watch, and thus began my journey.”

He found a fascination with exploring other people, places and cultures—a perfect formula for a future events industry professional. Early in his career he began working on press trips for the French president and prime minister, and found his childhood passions fulfilled as he traveled the world and discovered new cultures—“witnessing where global decisions were made and the main actors involved.”

Read More: How Travel Changes Us

From there, he found his start in the MICE industry, working for a U.S.-based firm which first sent him to Cancun, and later to the Dominican Republic. There, he found the opportunity to manage his own destination. In 1999, he launched Connect DMC.

Becoming a CMP

Sauvage began Connect DMC with “grand dreams and aspirations,” he says. But he wasn’t sure where to start.

“Each day brought new discoveries and challenges as I worked toward achieving my vision.” He began by finding an office. He painted and decorated it, purchased computers and office supplies, and began to build a portfolio of unique experiences that hadn’t been offered in the region before, all while building relationships with local providers and authorities.

From there, he began to travel the world to promote Connect DMC. “I invested countless hours in travel and meetings, passionately explaining to potential buyers why the Dominican Republic was an ideal incentive destination.”

In retrospect, he says, he learned the hard way—but he still found success. “My key takeaway is that there are valuable tools available, such as the CMP certification, which can establish you as a professional and enhance your career.”

He first learned of the CMP designation in 2009, saying, “it was a revelation for me. The moment I learned about it, I felt an immediate connection and knew I had to pursue it.”

Preparing for the Exam

The most impactful aspect of the CMP designation, Sauvage says, is the range of understanding about the industry that it offers. “Whether you’re part of an incentive agency, a corporate direct buyer, an association, or a supplier such as a DMC, DMO, CVB, hotelier or convention center, the CMP certification equips you with a complete understanding of the complex network of services and interactions within our industry,” he says. “This broad perspective was eye-opening for me and deepened my appreciation for the industry’s complexity.”

It isn’t just about passing an exam, he says. “It was about gaining a holistic view of the meeting and event planning industry. It delved into various aspects such as strategic planning, project management, risk management, financial management and site management. Each study session and chapter in the book added layers of knowledge, helping me see the bigger picture and understand the interconnectedness of our work.”

Of course, as any CMP knows, this is a lot to cover. But Sauvage’s experience, alongside the many other successful CMPs featured in this spotlight series, show that with adequate, dedicated preparation, it’s nowhere near impossible.

Study Tips from an Expert

Approach your studying with a structured plan, Sauvage says. “I found that creating a detailed study plan was crucial. I divided the material into manageable sections and set specific goals for each week. This kept me on track and ensured I covered all the necessary content.”

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He stresses how beneficial it was for him to join a study group. Through peer discussion, studying was more engaging, and allowed everyone to gain different perspectives on theoretical topics, share study materials and explore challenging topics.

While studying on his own, Sauvage used flash cards for key terms, concepts and important details, as well as taking practice exams and quizzes to identify areas where he needed to focus further. One of the most helpful aspects of his study process, he says, was to make an active effort to apply the concepts he was learning to his job at the time.

Real-life experiences play an enormous role in exam prep, as well. As much as possible, attend industry events, webinars and workshops. Stay updated on current trends and network strategically. “Engaging with other professionals in the field will provide practical insights and real-world examples that can enhance your comprehension of the theoretical concepts covered in the CMP curriculum,” he says.

In particular, “Seek mentorship from seasoned professionals who have already earned their CMP,” he says. “Their experiences and guidance can offer valuable advice on navigating the certification process and applying the knowledge in real-world scenarios.”

And importantly, don’t forget to take care of yourself as you prepare, Sauvage advises. “Balancing work, study and personal life can be challenging, so it’s essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle, get enough rest and manage stress effectively. A clear and focused mind will enhance your ability to absorb and retain information.”

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The CMP Fellow

To Sauvage, pursuing the CMP Fellow designation was the obvious next step. “[It] was a deeply personal decision for me, rooted in my passion for our industry and my desire to excel. After earning my CMP certification, I felt a strong pull to continue my professional journey and reach new heights.

“I genuinely love learning and staying updated with the latest trends, technologies and best practices in the industry. The CMP Fellow designation encourages continuous education, which perfectly aligned with my personal and professional aspirations.”

He finds great joy in serving as a mentor, an essential pillar of the CMP Fellow role. It is, in addition, an opportunity to connect with some of the highest-level professionals in the industry, enhance professional credibility and amplify contributions to the industry.

As he looks toward the future of the industry, Sauvage says that technological innovation and the rising importance of sustainability are extremely inspiring. “These two forces are not only revolutionizing the way we conduct meetings and events, but are also paving the way for a more innovative, efficient, and responsible industry.”

From the growing emphasis on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and rise in energy-efficient facilities to the development of event management software, AI-powered personalization and advanced analytics to streamline information more efficiently, the industry is transforming more rapidly than ever.

“These transformations inspire me because they represent a forward-thinking industry that is not only embracing change but also leading it,” Sauvage says. “By harnessing the power of technology and prioritizing sustainability, we are creating a future where events are more innovative, impactful and aligned with the values of a rapidly changing world.”

Read More: Get to Know Lynn Miles, CMP Fellow
