Band-Aids to Bad Guys: Turning Perils into Protection

Presenter: Alan Kleinfeld, CMP, LEO, Director of Emergency Planning at Arrive Management Group

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The Pulse Nightclub, the Aurora Movie Theater, the Ft. Lauderdale Airport, San Bernadino and, more recently, the Las Vegas shooter. Acts of violence against large gatherings of people are becoming more commonplace and the count is growing. These acts of hostility seem to happen more often and in more vulnerable places, especially where people gather. It’s not a matter of if it’ll happen to your group, but when.

We can’t prevent all security risks, but we can mitigate many things and learn how to react when an emergency occurs. For instance, could the location or venue of your next meeting be a target? What are you doing to make your conferences and meeting safer and more secure? Are you doing it the right way?

This webinar will not only assist meeting planners in learning what questions to ask themselves, their venues and their stakeholders to help keep attendees safer, but also offer takeaways to be put into action back at the office.  From Band-Aids to bad guys, get an idea of the scope of planning it takes and why a safety mindset from the minute you begin to plan your event is valuable.

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