As event planners, we often find ourselves navigating unique challenges to create new experiences that captivate and inspire. When the opportunity arose to curate an event for Financial and Insurance Conference Professionals (FICP) in Marco Island, Florida, our team knew this challenge could be an exciting journey.

What made this event particularly intriguing was the audience itself—event planners, individuals accustomed to orchestrating memorable experiences for others. This meant that our event design had to not only meet but exceed their expectations, presenting a unique challenge and opportunity.

Choosing the Perfect Theme: Overcoming Doubts

attendees taking images at FICP event in Marco Island, FloridaDuring the initial stages of planning, various themes were discussed, including iterations around Miami’s Little Havana and other concepts that, while vibrant, didn’t quite capture the essence of Marco Island and its surroundings. It became clear that the client was looking for a theme that resonated deeply with the locale, something that showcased the true beauty and uniqueness of this destination.

Kathleen Michael, creative strategist at Ethos Event Collective, took the time to listen to the client and conceptualized a truly out-of-the-box idea-an Everglades theme. Almost everyone involved had initial hesitations and doubts surrounding this bold and unimaginable theme, but Michael’s passion and boldness in her vision for this immersive experience prevailed. Her dedication to showcasing the mystery and wonder behind the Everglades, despite initial skepticism, was a testament to her creativity and determination.

Crafting an Immersive Experience: Journeying into the Everglades

woman dressed as heron at FICP event in Marco Island, Florida

The event was designed with Ethos’ creative trademark, Purposeful Planning. This meant that the Everglades theme was not just about decor and entertainment; it was about telling a story through an intentionally planned sensory journey.

Upon arrival, attendees were physically transported to the heart of the Everglades through scent machines pumping cedarwood and vetiver, emulating wet moss. They could touch and feel the fog and were greeted by wildlife-inspired greeters such as herons, beckoning them deeper into the event. The fog in the ballroom created a smoky atmosphere, building anticipation and a sense of mystery akin to the Everglades. Once the fog cleared, revealing light patterns and videos, attendees were fully immersed in the Everglades experience.

Amidst the enchantment, attendees were introduced to renowned Everglades photographer John Brady’s captivating images. These images served as both decor and a conversation starter, sparking discussions about conservation and environmental appreciation. As a meaningful and memorable takeaway, attendees were gifted signed prints of Brady’s work, serving as a lasting reminder of the event’s impact.

Efficiency and Impact: Overcoming Challenges

As with many large-scale events, unforeseen circumstances arose. Originally, load-in was scheduled for 9:30 a.m., but due to inclement weather, plans shifted. Despite challenges, our team’s preparedness and adaptability shone through. The original goal was to be set by 6:15 p.m. with a 6:45 p.m. start time; our team was set early at 5 p.m. and the event seamlessly transitioned from an 800-attendee general session to a full gala dinner.

We coordinated with 13 suppliers by pre-staging at 12 p.m. allowing the back-of-house team to move in at 1:30 p.m. Our logistical expertise was highlighted by our ability to swiftly adapt to the weather changes, effectively communicate with all vendors, and meticulously manage the tight schedule. This ensured every detail was executed flawlessly, from AV setup to dining arrangements, delivering a remarkable and timely experience for all attendees.

Michael’s deep-rooted love for the natural world began early in life, igniting her passion for nature and gardening. Her kindergarten experience of winning first prize for her aloe plant in a school fair taught her valuable lessons about the interconnectedness of plants, oxygen, food, environment, and protection. This understanding and commitment to sustainability were instrumental in shaping the Everglades-themed event and creating a meaningful impact on attendees. All of the signage on the tables at the Everglades event was printed on seeded paper, which Michael took home and planted in her backyard.

A Journey of Inspiration and Innovation

tree-lined entrance at FICP event in Marco Island, Florida

The Everglades-themed event with FICP was a journey of inspiration, innovation and collaboration. It demonstrated the power of creativity in transforming doubts into enchanting experiences and showcased the true beauty of Marco Island’s natural world.

As we look ahead to future events, we carry with us the lessons learned and the memories created, knowing that each experience is an opportunity to inspire, educate and delight.
